They Can’t Teach Themselves!

Stories from two new clients in the last few weeks have really validated why students need professional test preparation.

The first client identified that reading comprehension was a skill her child needed to work on for the test. So she hired a tutor who specializes in reading comprehension. It should be noted that tutors who specialize in reading comprehension typically work with students at a remedial level, not at an advanced level. The reading comprehension on the test is at a very advanced level (even for very strong readers).

This tutor gave the student passages to read (not ones typical of the test material) and then gave him unlimited time to review his mistakes and try to figure out why he got the questions wrong. If he knew why he got the questions wrong he would not have made the mistakes in the first place! I have never heard of such a silly approach to teaching reading comprehension. This tutor was not familiar with the ISEE or the question types in the reading section, and she was not teaching him the techniques to identify and break down each question type. Once students have these tools, then their reading comprehension scores improve. The approach his tutor was taking was doing nothing to help him improve his score on this section of the test.

The second client told me that he had bought ISEE books for both his children and that they had been working on the test material for the past six months. When I tested both students I found their scores to be below average. When I inquired as to what books they had been using I discovered that the parent had bought used copies of outdated material, and that the students had worked on the wrong levels of the tests. They also did not understand the test, or the test questions, and they did not know any techniques for how to approach the questions. All they had done in 6 months is take practice tests and correct them, and then they tried to figure out why they got the questions wrong on their own.

These students had not improved one bit in 6 months, because they had no one to teach them what they did not know! They were not able to teach themselves material that was beyond their level. Their parents repeatedly expressed that they did not realize how challenging the material on the test was. They had not bothered to look at what their children were working on, and they had no idea that they were struggling with the material.

Parents need to spend time researching the test, the schools and the requirements for this process, well in advance of when their child is applying for admission. Students typically need a full year before they take the test to master the material (even if they are taking outside enrichment classes – as many students do). The parents assumed that since their children were taking outside enrichment classes (in a well known and highly regarded talented and gifted program) that they would ace the test. Clearly this was not the case when they took the practice test.

Don’t assume because your child is “at the top of his or her class”, takes honors classes, does outside math and reading enrichment programs, or participates in a “talented and gifted program” they will ace the ISEE. Time and time again over the years I have seen these students struggle with the ISEE material. With time and the proper material and tutoring they can master the content, but it does not come quickly or easily, and they cannot learn it on their own.

Invest in a quality ISEE program with dedicated teachers and curriculum that is specific to the test, and do so at least a year before your child’s test date, and you will see the results.

Anne Yount

Boston ISEE Prep
617-553-8083 - Test Prep for the ISEE & Latin School Exam

Boston Tutoring Center
617-553-8083 - Tutoring Grades K-12

Boston Private School Search
617-553-0540 - Your Resource for Private School Admissions

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